At this point, just release the mouse button and it will remove the eject icon from your menu bar. To get rid of the other one, click the clock and select Open Date & Time Preferences. You can either drag it left or right to reposition it, or drag it down and off the menu bar until you see a small “x” icon appear. Simply hold the Command key on your keyboard and click and hold on the eject icon. If you want to remove the eject icon later, or if you don’t know how it got there in the first place, you can rearrange or remove it via the same method as any other menu bar icon. As mentioned, this works even if you don’t currently have an optical drive connected, in which case clicking on the eject icon will report No Drives. Click on it to see which optical drive it detects and you can then click on the desired disc to eject it. Step 3: Click the check box next to Show volume in menu bar. For example, if I wanted to add or remove the volume menu bar icon, I’d do the following: Step 1: Open System Preferences. This will immediately add the eject icon to your menu bar. All of the stock menu bar icons can be added or removed from the menu bar by means of the System Preferences. Enter the following location: /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/.Once a New Volume is created, the Sidebar displays the following information: Menu View > Volumes > Sidebar > Objects.
For step by step instructions about how to draw a new volume: How to draw a Volume. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Shift-Command-G The volume is computed between the base surface and the terrain surface, defined by the DSM. From the macOS desktop, make sure Finder is the active application and then select Go > Go to Folder from the menu bar.